code-server 2021 Year in Review

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Joe Previte
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2 min read

2021 was an awesome year for the code-server project. We improved our testing infrastructure, refactored the backend to use VS Code upstream, and welcomed a handful of new contributors!

Major Wins

We’d love to share the wins with you. Here they are:

πŸ“ˆ Added Test Coverage and Increased from 46.86% β†’ 66%

In January, we migrated our unit tests from Mocha to Jest. The switch allows us to move quicker since the team has more experience with Jest. We added Codecov in April to track coverage. We started at 46.86% coverage and have since then increased it to 66%. It currently leads the way in terms of highest coverage across coder repos.

↔️ Added End-to-End Testing

In February, we added end-to-end testing with Playwright. This has allowed us to become more confident when releasing.

πŸ“” Created deploy-code-server repo

In March, @bpmct took on the initiative to launch deploy-code-server β€” a collection of one-click buttons and scripts for deploying code-server to various cloud hosting platforms. As of Dec. 14, this has 317 forks.

πŸ”¨ Rewrote VS Code Integration to Lean on Upstream

In November, we rewrote our VS Code integration to lean more heavily on their server. This means fewer patches. We're still working on reducing our patches, but as of right now, there are only 51 changes that have been changed compared to upstream.

🌟 +13,173 New GitHub Stars

On December 11th, 2020, coder/code-server had 37,290 stars. Today it has +50,463.


πŸ«‚ Around 215 Merged PRs from Community

According to Orbit, in the last 12 months we've had 215 merged PRs by members of the code-server community.

πŸ’ž More Engagement from and with the Community

This year, we've focused on communicating more updates to ya'll about the progress, what we're working on and how you can help. We've done this through a combination of Milestones and Discussions. The response from everyone has been extremely supportive.


Big thank you to everyone who contributed and used code-server in 2021. Let's have another great year in 2022! πŸŽ‰

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