Coder v1.29 has been released

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Katie Horne
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Tyler Crandall
2 min read

We’re pleased to announce the release of Coder v1.29, which includes support for remote Docker providers, support for FUSE devices inside CVM-enabled workspaces, the ability to provision workspace providers via CLI, and Projector improvements.

Remote Docker providers

Coder now supports the deployment of Docker providers. This is useful if you are running Coder for Docker, and you would like a separate Docker host to be the workspace provider, rather than have workspaces provisioned to the same host running coderd for scalability or resiliency purposes.

Adding a new Docker provider via the Coder admin UI

Support for FUSE devices inside CVM-enabled workspaces

Coder now supports the creation of custom filesystems using Linux FUSE. Once you’ve toggled on the Enable FUSE device setting on CVM-enabled workspaces, Coder will mount a /dev/fuse device into the workspace at build time. FUSE devices can be used for things like mounting specialized filesystems (e.g., Google Cloud Storage buckets), to your workspace.

Workspace provider provisioning via CLI

In addition to provisioning workspace providers via the admin section of the Coder UI, you can now provision them via the Coder CLI. This was requested by customers where admins would like to operate primarily using the CLI.

Projector improvements

We’ve upgraded the version of Projector in use from version 1.5 to version 1.6, which fixed bugs (including an issue rendering Markdown) and provided a significant improvement to performance.

Coder on DigitalOcean

We’ve added Coder to the DigitalOcean marketplace (with additional providers, such as AWS, Google Cloud, and Vultr, to follow).

Our image includes a single VM image with Coder installed, which will then provision workspaces with Docker. For more details, check out our blog post.

UI updates, bug fixes, and more

For a full list of everything included in v1.29, please see the changelog.

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