Austin RISC-V Group Hackathon (Sponsored by Coder)
February 11th, 2025 - February 11th, 2025
Austin, TX
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The challenge
Continuous integration helps deliver complex software faster and more reliably. When failures occur, however, developers can try to reproduce the failure locally, or resort to diagnosing and resolving the problem by pushing additional changes to the pull request and waiting for a new build to complete, which results in long cycle times. In addition, they do not have access to familiar debugging tools, and will instead need to rely on non-interactive build logs:
The other option is for developers to reproduce the failure locally. To do so, however, they often need to interpret and translate the configuration files used for the build, which can be complex and specific to a particular continuous integration system. Moreover, warnings or errors can be difficult to replicate due to subtle differences, such as versions of a tool or installed plugins.
Coder presents a third option: since it runs standard container images, you can use common images between development workspaces and build environments, eliminating configuration drift, not just between developers, but also between developers and the build system.
By moving developer workspaces to Coder, everyone on the team develops with a consistent set of tools, down to the exact version. Expanding upon this, we can reuse the same base image in build environments as well, reducing the divergence between dev and build infrastructure. When failures happen in the build system, developers can reproduce them in their personal development environments, confident in the knowledge that the tools and versions match.
For years, our team at Coder has been using this development/build/test workflow, greatly simplifying the process of debugging inevitable failures. When we have a lint check failure in our build environment, we can re-run the command in our development environment, comfortable in the knowledge that the output will be the same, since the tools are identical. For other checks that run frequently in continuous integration and rarely on local machines, such as browser-based tests, we ensure that local checks continue to succeed. In other words, our build/test infrastructure ensures that our development container image includes the exact tools necessary to build the software, acting in a virtuous cycle and ensuring dependencies are kept in sync.
Implementing this workflow with a system like GitHub Actions is simple: build a container image including the necessary development/build dependencies, push it to a container registry, and run builds using that image.
Other benefits of this approach
In addition to the primary benefit of keeping everything synchronized between development, build, and test environments, this workflow also:
If you’d like to try Coder, you can self-host in minutes with Docker. You can also request a demo of Coder.
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