
This article will show you how to modify the default configuration values in Coder's Helm chart.

You can see the contents of Coder's Helm chart on GitHub.

  1. Get a copy of your existing Helm chart and save it as current-values.yaml

    helm show values coder/coder > current-values.yaml
  2. Open the current-values.yaml file using the text editor of your choice

  3. Edit the current-values.yaml file as needed. Be sure to remove the lines that you are not modifying. Otherwise, the contents of current-values.yaml will override those in the default chart

  4. Save the current-values.yaml file

  5. Update your Coder deployment with your new Helm chart values. Be sure to replace the placeholder value in the following command with your Coder version):

    helm upgrade coder coder/coder -n coder --version=<VERSION> --values current-values.yaml

    Note: You must complete this step every time you update the Helm chart values

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