Coder creates development environments called workspaces using container images as the blueprints.

For organizations, container images (sometimes referred to as images) are the foundation for achieving consistency and productivity across developers while eliminating configuration drift, downstream bugs, and risks related to outdated development environments.

Images contain the IDEs, CLIs, language versions, and dependencies users need to work on software development projects. Users can create workspaces with the image as the blueprint, then begin contributing immediately to the projects for which the image was defined.

Coder integrates with many common container registries (including Artifactory, Docker, AWS Elastic Container Registry, and Azure Container Registry). Container registries store the images that you can then import into Coder. Images are built using Dockerfiles.

You can nest images to reuse workspace configuration across development teams.

The Open Container Initiative (OCI) standard sets the standard for containers and images.

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