SSH access

SSH access

Before accessing your workspace via SSH:


To access your servers via SSH, run the following using the Coder CLI:

coder config-ssh

You should see the following returned:

An auto-generated ssh config was written to "/Users/yourName/.ssh/config"
Your private ssh key was written to "/Users/yourName/.ssh/coder_enterprise"
You should now be able to ssh into your workspace
For example, try running
    $ ssh coder.backend

Your workspace is now accessible via ssh coder.<workspace_name> (e.g., ssh coder.myEnv if your workspace is named myEnv).

SSH port forwarding

To start an SSH port forwarding session:

ssh -L [localport]:localhost:[remoteport] coder.[workspace]
localportThe port to use on your local machine (e.g., localhost:3000)
remoteportThe port of the server you want to access in the workspace

You can use either HTTP or HTTPS, though the latter may result in certificate-related errors.

At this point, you can access the server in the browser using the localport value.


You will need to rerun the coder config-ssh command if:

  • You reconfigure or modify your keypair using the Coder dashboard
  • You add additional workspaces (running this command will ensure that your ~/.ssh/config file populates correctly with alias targets)

Using SFTP

Coder supports the use of the SFTP protocol. To connect to a workspace using SFTP, run sftp coder.<workspace_name>.

Using rsync

You can use rsync to transfer files to and from Coder.

To do so, use the flag -e "coder ssh" in your rsync transfer invocation. For example, the following shows how you can transfer your home directory to your workspace:

rsync -e "coder ssh" -a --progress ~/project user@coder.<workspace-name>:~/project
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