Coder Quick Install

Coder is a secure and scalable Cloud Development Environment capable of supporting global development teams on any infrastructure. But what if you want to do a zero-dollar proof of concept; just enough to learn about Coder and show it to your colleagues? Here are two quick and easy ways to try Coder today:

Local Install
Shared Server

Local Install

This is the quickest and easiest way to try Coder. The only prerequisite is some free space on your laptop and a local compute platform (typically Docker):


Install the Coder CLI

$ curl -fsSL | sh


Start the Coder server

$ coder server


Navigate to localhost:3000

Start Using Coder

Create your Admin account and log in

Create your Admin account and log in

Navigate to Templates, Starter Templates and choose the template for your compute platform

Navigate to Templates, Starter Templates and choose the template for your compute platform

Name and create the template

Name and create the template

Create a workspace from the template

Create a workspace from the template

Start coding!

Start coding!

Get To Know More About Coder

If you want a more advanced look at using Coder (architecture overview, user and template management, template customization, etc) check out our webinar Optimizing The Modern Development Experience with Coder