Amazon CodeCatalyst Alternative

Amazon CodeCatalyst has limited 3rd party source-code host integration options, limited IDE support, dictates new ways of work and only runs on AWS public cloud.

Coder is an open-source solution that takes a platform-agnostic approach to remote development architecture that enables software development on infrastructure designed by you which is always under your control. By leveraging Terraform, Coder lets developers run an IDE on any compute platform including on-prem, AWS, Azure, GCP, DigitalOcean, Kubernetes, Docker, and more, with workspaces running on Linux, Windows, or Mac.

FeatureAmazon CodeCatalystCoder
Delivery ModelSaaSOSS + Self-Managed
CostPay AWSPay your cloud
Internet Access RequiredYesNo
Latency and Data SovereigntyUS West (Oregon)Self-Hosted
Security isolation modelEC2Unopinionated, 100% configurable and depends upon how you design your solution
EnvironmentsLinux Virtual Machines All Terraform resources, all clouds, multi-architecture: Linux, Mac, Windows, containers, VMs, amd64, arm64
IDECloud9, Visual Studio Code Desktop and JetBrains GatewayAnything (vim, emacs, theia, code-server, openvscode-server, entire jetbrains suite inc gateway remote development, visual studio code desktop, visual studio for mac, visual studio for windows) you choose to install and deploy
Last Updated14/12/2022Please file a GitHub issue if any information is out of date.

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Learn how improved build times by 78% with Coder