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1 hr

Accelerating App Development with GenAI

“In our research at Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG),” explains Practice Director of Infrastructure & Modernization Scott Sinclair, “we see increasing challenges in application development and modernization to adjust for increasing security requirements, pressure from the business to accelerate pace, and the need to integrate across distributed, disparate infrastructure environments.”

Generative AI (GenAI) can ameliorate these challenges. And what’s more, ESG notes that 22% of organizations identify app development as the likeliest area for significant investment in GenAI this year.

In this exclusive webinar ESG’s Sinclair sits down with Rob Whiteley, CEO of Coder, to discuss the state of GenAI and its role in assisting app development in today’s businesses.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • The state of GenAIHow to implement Gen AI in your development methodology & operations
  • The benefits of Coder and its role in GenAI
  • Key takeaways from Whiteley and Sinclair

Featured Speakers

Rob Whiteley
CEO, Coder
Scott Sinclair
Industry Analyst, Enterprise Strategy Group


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Featured Speakers

Rob Whiteley
CEO, Coder
Scott Sinclair
Industry Analyst, Enterprise Strategy Group