External Provisioners
By default, the Coder server runs
built-in provisioner daemons,
which execute terraform
during workspace and template builds. However, there
are sometimes benefits to running external provisioner daemons:
Secure build environments: Run build jobs in isolated containers, preventing malicious templates from gaining shell access to the Coder host.
Isolate APIs: Deploy provisioners in isolated environments (on-prem, AWS, Azure) instead of exposing APIs (Docker, Kubernetes, VMware) to the Coder server. See Provider Authentication for more details.
Isolate secrets: Keep Coder unaware of cloud secrets, manage/rotate secrets on provisioner servers.
Reduce server load: External provisioners reduce load and build queue times from the Coder server. See Scaling Coder for more details.
Each provisioner can run a single concurrent workspace build. For example, running 30 provisioner containers will allow 30 users to start workspaces at the same time.
Provisioners are started with the coder provisionerd start command.
The provisioner daemon must authenticate with your Coder deployment.
Set a
provisioner daemon pre-shared key (PSK)
on the Coder server and start the provisioner with
coder provisionerd start --psk <your-psk>
. If you are
installing with Helm, see
the Helm example below.
Coder still supports authenticating the provisioner daemon with a token from a user with the Template Admin or Owner role. This method is deprecated in favor of the PSK, which only has permission to access provisioner daemon APIs. We recommend migrating to the PSK as soon as practical.
Types of provisioners
Provisioners can broadly be categorized by scope: organization
or user
. The
scope of a provisioner can be specified with
starting the provisioner daemon. Only users with at least the
Template Admin role or higher may create
organization-scoped provisioner daemons.
There are two exceptions:
- Built-in provisioners are always organization-scoped.
- External provisioners started using a pre-shared key (PSK) are always organization-scoped.
Organization-Scoped Provisioners
Organization-scoped Provisioners can pick up build jobs created by any user.
These provisioners always have the implicit tags scope=organization owner=""
coder provisionerd start --org <organization_name>
If you omit the --org
argument, the provisioner will be assigned to the
default organization.
coder provisionerd start
User-scoped Provisioners
User-scoped Provisioners can only pick up build jobs created from
user-tagged templates. Unlike the other provisioner types, any Coder user can
run user provisioners, but they have no impact unless there exists at least one
template with the scope=user
provisioner tag.
coder provisionerd start \
--tag scope=user
# In another terminal, create/push
# a template that requires user provisioners
coder templates push on-prem \
--provisioner-tag scope=user
Provisioner Tags
You can use provisioner tags to control which provisioners can pick up build jobs from templates (and corresponding workspaces) with matching explicit tags.
Provisioners have two implicit tags: scope
and owner
. Coder sets these tags
- Organization-scoped provisioners always have the implicit tags
scope=organization owner=""
- User-scoped provisioners always have the implicit tags
scope=user owner=<uuid>
For example:
# Start a provisioner with the explicit tags
# environment=on_prem and datacenter=chicago
coder provisionerd start \
--tag environment=on_prem \
--tag datacenter=chicago
# In another terminal, create/push
# a template that requires the explicit
# tag environment=on_prem
coder templates push on-prem \
--provisioner-tag environment=on_prem
# Or, match the provisioner's explicit tags exactly
coder templates push on-prem-chicago \
--provisioner-tag environment=on_prem \
--provisioner-tag datacenter=chicago
A provisioner can run a given build job if one of the below is true:
- A job with no explicit tags can only be run on a provisioner with no explicit tags. This way you can introduce tagging into your deployment without disrupting existing provisioners and jobs.
- If a job has any explicit tags, it can only run on a provisioner with those explicit tags (the provisioner could have additional tags).
The external provisioner in the above example can run build jobs with tags:
environment=on_prem datacenter=chicago
However, it will not pick up any build jobs that do not have either of the
or datacenter
tags set. It will also not pick up any build jobs
from templates with the tag scope=user
This is illustrated in the below table:
Provisioner Tags | Job Tags | Can Run Job? |
scope=organization owner= | scope=organization owner= | ✅ |
scope=organization owner= environment=on-prem | scope=organization owner= environment=on-prem | ✅ |
scope=organization owner= environment=on-prem datacenter=chicago | scope=organization owner= environment=on-prem | ✅ |
scope=organization owner= environment=on-prem datacenter=chicago | scope=organization owner= environment=on-prem datacenter=chicago | ✅ |
scope=user owner=aaa | scope=user owner=aaa | ✅ |
scope=user owner=aaa environment=on-prem | scope=user owner=aaa | ✅ |
scope=user owner=aaa environment=on-prem | scope=user owner=aaa environment=on-prem | ✅ |
scope=user owner=aaa environment=on-prem datacenter=chicago | scope=user owner=aaa environment=on-prem | ✅ |
scope=user owner=aaa environment=on-prem datacenter=chicago | scope=user owner=aaa environment=on-prem datacenter=chicago | ✅ |
scope=organization owner= | scope=organization owner= environment=on-prem | ❌ |
scope=organization owner= environment=on-prem | scope=organization owner= | ❌ |
scope=organization owner= environment=on-prem | scope=organization owner= environment=on-prem datacenter=chicago | ❌ |
scope=organization owner= environment=on-prem datacenter=new_york | scope=organization owner= environment=on-prem datacenter=chicago | ❌ |
scope=user owner=aaa | scope=organization owner= | ❌ |
scope=user owner=aaa | scope=user owner=bbb | ❌ |
scope=organization owner= | scope=user owner=aaa | ❌ |
scope=organization owner= | scope=user owner=aaa environment=on-prem | ❌ |
scope=user owner=aaa | scope=user owner=aaa environment=on-prem | ❌ |
scope=user owner=aaa environment=on-prem | scope=user owner=aaa environment=on-prem datacenter=chicago | ❌ |
scope=user owner=aaa environment=on-prem datacenter=chicago | scope=user owner=aaa environment=on-prem datacenter=new_york | ❌ |
Note to maintainers: to generate this table, run the following command and copy the output:
go test -v -count=1 ./coderd/provisionerdserver/ -test.run='^TestAcquirer_MatchTags/GenTable$'
Example: Running an external provisioner with Helm
Coder provides a Helm chart for running external provisioner daemons, which you will use in concert with the Helm chart for deploying the Coder server.
Create a long, random pre-shared key (PSK) and store it in a Kubernetes secret
kubectl create secret generic coder-provisioner-psk --from-literal=psk=`head /dev/urandom | base64 | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 26`
Modify your Coder
to includeprovisionerDaemon: pskSecretName: "coder-provisioner-psk"
Redeploy Coder with the new
to roll out the PSK. You can omit--version <your version>
to also upgrade Coder to the latest version.helm upgrade coder coder-v2/coder \ --namespace coder \ --version <your version> \ --values values.yaml
Create a
file for the provisioner daemons Helm chart. For examplecoder: env: - name: CODER_URL value: "https://coder.example.com" replicaCount: 10 provisionerDaemon: pskSecretName: "coder-provisioner-psk" tags: location: auh kind: k8s
This example creates a deployment of 10 provisioner daemons (for 10 concurrent builds) with the listed tags. For generic provisioners, remove the tags.
Refer to the values.yaml file for the coder-provisioner chart for information on what values can be specified.
Install the provisioner daemon chart
helm install coder-provisioner coder-v2/coder-provisioner \ --namespace coder \ --version <your version> \ --values provisioner-values.yaml
You can verify that your provisioner daemons have successfully connected to Coderd by looking for a debug log message that says
provisionerd: successfully connected to coderd
from each Pod.
Example: Running an external provisioner on a VM
curl -L https://coder.com/install.sh | sh
export CODER_URL=https://coder.example.com
export CODER_SESSION_TOKEN=your_token
coder provisionerd start
Example: Running an external provisioner via Docker
docker run --rm -it \
-e CODER_URL=https://coder.example.com/ \
-e CODER_SESSION_TOKEN=your_token \
--entrypoint /opt/coder \
ghcr.io/coder/coder:latest \
provisionerd start
Disable built-in provisioners
As mentioned above, the Coder server will run built-in provisioners by default. This can be disabled with a server-wide flag or environment variable.
coder server --provisioner-daemons=0
Prometheus metrics
Coder provisioner daemon exports metrics via the HTTP endpoint, which can be
enabled using either the environment variable CODER_PROMETHEUS_ENABLE
or the
flag --prometheus-enable
The Prometheus endpoint address is http://localhost:2112/
by default. You can
use either the environment variable CODER_PROMETHEUS_ADDRESS
or the flag
--prometheus-address <network-interface>:<port>
to select a different listen
If you have provisioners daemons deployed as pods, it is advised to monitor them separately.