Start a Coder server
coder server [flags]
Name | Purpose |
create-admin-user | Create a new admin user with the given username, email and password and adds it to every organization. |
dbcrypt | Manage database encryption. |
postgres-builtin-serve | Run the built-in PostgreSQL deployment. |
postgres-builtin-url | Output the connection URL for the built-in PostgreSQL deployment. |
Type | url |
Environment | $CODER_ACCESS_URL |
YAML | networking.accessURL |
The URL that users will use to access the Coder deployment.
Type | bool |
Environment | $CODER_BLOCK_DIRECT |
YAML | networking.derp.blockDirect |
Block peer-to-peer (aka. direct) workspace connections. All workspace connections from the CLI will be proxied through Coder (or custom configured DERP servers) and will never be peer-to-peer when enabled. Workspaces may still reach out to STUN servers to get their address until they are restarted after this change has been made, but new connections will still be proxied regardless.
Type | bool |
Environment | $CODER_BROWSER_ONLY |
YAML | networking.browserOnly |
Whether Coder only allows connections to workspaces via the browser.
Type | string |
YAML | cacheDir |
Default | ~/.cache/coder |
The directory to cache temporary files. If unspecified and $CACHE_DIRECTORY is set, it will be used for compatibility with systemd.
Type | bool |
Environment | $CODER_TRACE_LOGS |
YAML | introspection.tracing.captureLogs |
Enables capturing of logs as events in traces. This is useful for debugging, but may result in a very large amount of events being sent to the tracing backend which may incur significant costs.
-c, --config
Type | yaml-config-path |
Environment | $CODER_CONFIG_PATH |
Specify a YAML file to load configuration from.
Type | bool |
Allow workspace apps that are not served from subdomains to be shared. Path-based app sharing is DISABLED by default for security purposes. Path-based apps can make requests to the Coder API and pose a security risk when the workspace serves malicious JavaScript. Path-based apps can be disabled entirely with --disable-path-apps for further security.
Type | bool |
Allow site-owners to access workspace apps from workspaces they do not own. Owners cannot access path-based apps they do not own by default. Path-based apps can make requests to the Coder API and pose a security risk when the workspace serves malicious JavaScript. Path-based apps can be disabled entirely with --disable-path-apps for further security.
Type | string |
YAML | networking.derp.configPath |
Path to read a DERP mapping from. See:
Type | string |
Environment | $CODER_DERP_CONFIG_URL |
YAML | networking.derp.url |
URL to fetch a DERP mapping on startup. See:
Type | bool |
YAML | networking.derp.forceWebSockets |
Force clients and agents to always use WebSocket to connect to DERP relay servers. By default, DERP uses Upgrade: derp
, which may cause issues with some reverse proxies. Clients may automatically fallback to WebSocket if they detect an issue with Upgrade: derp
, but this does not work in all situations.
Type | bool |
YAML | networking.derp.enable |
Default | true |
Whether to enable or disable the embedded DERP relay server.
Type | string |
YAML | networking.derp.regionName |
Default | Coder Embedded Relay |
Region name that for the embedded DERP server.
Type | url |
YAML | networking.derp.relayURL |
An HTTP URL that is accessible by other replicas to relay DERP traffic. Required for high availability.
Type | string-array |
YAML | networking.derp.stunAddresses |
Default |,,,, |
Addresses for STUN servers to establish P2P connections. It's recommended to have at least two STUN servers to give users the best chance of connecting P2P to workspaces. Each STUN server will get it's own DERP region, with region IDs starting at --derp-server-region-id + 1
. Use special value 'disable' to turn off STUN completely.
Type | string |
YAML | userQuietHoursSchedule.defaultQuietHoursSchedule |
The default daily cron schedule applied to users that haven't set a custom quiet hours schedule themselves. The quiet hours schedule determines when workspaces will be force stopped due to the template's max TTL, and will round the max TTL up to be within the user's quiet hours window (or default). The format is the same as the standard cron format, but the day-of-month, month and day-of-week must be *. Only one hour and minute can be specified (ranges or comma separated values are not supported).
Type | bool |
YAML | disableOwnerWorkspaceAccess |
Remove the permission for the 'owner' role to have workspace execution on all workspaces. This prevents the 'owner' from ssh, apps, and terminal access based on the 'owner' role. They still have their user permissions to access their own workspaces.
Type | bool |
YAML | networking.http.disablePasswordAuth |
Disable password authentication. This is recommended for security purposes in production deployments that rely on an identity provider. Any user with the owner role will be able to sign in with their password regardless of this setting to avoid potential lock out. If you are locked out of your account, you can use the coder server create-admin
command to create a new admin user directly in the database.
Type | bool |
YAML | disablePathApps |
Disable workspace apps that are not served from subdomains. Path-based apps can make requests to the Coder API and pose a security risk when the workspace serves malicious JavaScript. This is recommended for security purposes if a --wildcard-access-url is configured.
Type | bool |
YAML | networking.http.disableSessionExpiryRefresh |
Disable automatic session expiry bumping due to activity. This forces all sessions to become invalid after the session expiry duration has been reached.
Type | url |
Environment | $CODER_DOCS_URL |
YAML | networking.docsURL |
Specifies the custom docs URL.
Type | bool |
YAML | oidc.enableGroupAutoCreate |
Default | false |
Automatically creates missing groups from a user's groups claim.
Type | bool |
YAML | introspection.logging.enableTerraformDebugMode |
Default | false |
Allow administrators to enable Terraform debug output.
Type | bool |
YAML | enableSwagger |
Expose the swagger endpoint via /swagger.
Type | string-array |
Environment | $CODER_EXPERIMENTS |
YAML | experiments |
Enable one or more experiments. These are not ready for production. Separate multiple experiments with commas, or enter '*' to opt-in to all available experiments.
Type | string-array |
Encrypt OIDC and Git authentication tokens with AES-256-GCM in the database. The value must be a comma-separated list of base64-encoded keys. Each key, when base64-decoded, must be exactly 32 bytes in length. The first key will be used to encrypt new values. Subsequent keys will be used as a fallback when decrypting. During normal operation it is recommended to only set one key unless you are in the process of rotating keys with the coder server dbcrypt rotate
Type | duration |
YAML | provisioning.forceCancelInterval |
Default | 10m0s |
Time to force cancel provisioning tasks that are stuck.
Type | string |
Environment | $CODER_HTTP_ADDRESS |
YAML | networking.http.httpAddress |
Default | |
HTTP bind address of the server. Unset to disable the HTTP endpoint.
Type | duration |
YAML | introspection.healthcheck.refresh |
Default | 10m0s |
Refresh interval for healthchecks.
Type | duration |
YAML | introspection.healthcheck.thresholdDatabase |
Default | 15ms |
The threshold for the database health check. If the median latency of the database exceeds this threshold over 5 attempts, the database is considered unhealthy. The default value is 15ms.
Type | string |
Environment | $CODER_LOGGING_HUMAN |
YAML | introspection.logging.humanPath |
Default | /dev/stderr |
Output human-readable logs to a given file.
Type | string |
Environment | $CODER_LOGGING_JSON |
YAML | introspection.logging.jsonPath |
Output JSON logs to a given file.
-l, --log-filter
Type | string-array |
Environment | $CODER_LOG_FILTER |
YAML | introspection.logging.filter |
Filter debug logs by matching against a given regex. Use .* to match all debug logs.
Type | duration |
YAML | networking.http.maxTokenLifetime |
Default | 876600h0m0s |
The maximum lifetime duration users can specify when creating an API token.
Type | bool |
YAML | oauth2.github.allowEveryone |
Allow all logins, setting this option means allowed orgs and teams must be empty.
Type | bool |
YAML | oauth2.github.allowSignups |
Whether new users can sign up with GitHub.
Type | string-array |
YAML | oauth2.github.allowedOrgs |
Organizations the user must be a member of to Login with GitHub.
Type | string-array |
YAML | oauth2.github.allowedTeams |
Teams inside organizations the user must be a member of to Login with GitHub. Structured as:
Type | string |
YAML | oauth2.github.clientID |
Client ID for Login with GitHub.
Type | string |
Client secret for Login with GitHub.
Type | string |
YAML | oauth2.github.enterpriseBaseURL |
Base URL of a GitHub Enterprise deployment to use for Login with GitHub.
Type | bool |
YAML | oidc.allowSignups |
Default | true |
Whether new users can sign up with OIDC.
Type | string-array |
YAML | oidc.groupAllowed |
If provided any group name not in the list will not be allowed to authenticate. This allows for restricting access to a specific set of groups. This filter is applied after the group mapping and before the regex filter.
Type | struct[map[string]string] |
YAML | oidc.authURLParams |
Default | {"access_type": "offline"} |
OIDC auth URL parameters to pass to the upstream provider.
Type | string |
YAML | oidc.oidcClientCertFile |
Pem encoded certificate file to use for oauth2 PKI/JWT authorization. The public certificate that accompanies oidc-client-key-file. A standard x509 certificate is expected.
Type | string |
Environment | $CODER_OIDC_CLIENT_ID |
YAML | oidc.clientID |
Client ID to use for Login with OIDC.
Type | string |
YAML | oidc.oidcClientKeyFile |
Pem encoded RSA private key to use for oauth2 PKI/JWT authorization. This can be used instead of oidc-client-secret if your IDP supports it.
Type | string |
Client secret to use for Login with OIDC.
Type | string-array |
YAML | oidc.emailDomain |
Email domains that clients logging in with OIDC must match.
Type | string |
YAML | oidc.emailField |
Default | email |
OIDC claim field to use as the email.
Type | string |
YAML | oidc.groupField |
This field must be set if using the group sync feature and the scope name is not 'groups'. Set to the claim to be used for groups.
Type | struct[map[string]string] |
YAML | oidc.groupMapping |
Default | {} |
A map of OIDC group IDs and the group in Coder it should map to. This is useful for when OIDC providers only return group IDs.
Type | bool |
YAML | oidc.ignoreEmailVerified |
Ignore the email_verified claim from the upstream provider.
Type | bool |
YAML | oidc.ignoreUserInfo |
Default | false |
Ignore the userinfo endpoint and only use the ID token for user information.
Type | string |
Environment | $CODER_OIDC_ISSUER_URL |
YAML | oidc.issuerURL |
Issuer URL to use for Login with OIDC.
Type | regexp |
YAML | oidc.groupRegexFilter |
Default | .* |
If provided any group name not matching the regex is ignored. This allows for filtering out groups that are not needed. This filter is applied after the group mapping.
Type | string-array |
Environment | $CODER_OIDC_SCOPES |
YAML | oidc.scopes |
Default | openid,profile,email |
Scopes to grant when authenticating with OIDC.
Type | string-array |
YAML | oidc.userRoleDefault |
If user role sync is enabled, these roles are always included for all authenticated users. The 'member' role is always assigned.
Type | string |
YAML | oidc.userRoleField |
This field must be set if using the user roles sync feature. Set this to the name of the claim used to store the user's role. The roles should be sent as an array of strings.
Type | struct[map[string][]string] |
YAML | oidc.userRoleMapping |
Default | {} |
A map of the OIDC passed in user roles and the groups in Coder it should map to. This is useful if the group names do not match. If mapped to the empty string, the role will ignored.
Type | string |
YAML | oidc.usernameField |
Default | preferred_username |
OIDC claim field to use as the username.
Type | string |
Environment | $CODER_OIDC_SIGN_IN_TEXT |
YAML | oidc.signInText |
Default | OpenID Connect |
The text to show on the OpenID Connect sign in button.
Type | url |
Environment | $CODER_OIDC_ICON_URL |
YAML | oidc.iconURL |
URL pointing to the icon to use on the OpenID Connect login button.
Type | duration |
YAML | provisioning.daemonPollInterval |
Default | 1s |
Deprecated and ignored.
Type | duration |
YAML | provisioning.daemonPollJitter |
Default | 100ms |
Deprecated and ignored.
Type | string |
URL of a PostgreSQL database. If empty, PostgreSQL binaries will be downloaded from Maven ( and store all data in the config root. Access the built-in database with "coder server postgres-builtin-url".
Type | host:port |
YAML | introspection.prometheus.address |
Default | |
The bind address to serve prometheus metrics.
Type | bool |
YAML | introspection.prometheus.collect_agent_stats |
Collect agent stats (may increase charges for metrics storage).
Type | bool |
YAML | introspection.prometheus.collect_db_metrics |
Default | false |
Collect database metrics (may increase charges for metrics storage).
Type | bool |
YAML | introspection.prometheus.enable |
Serve prometheus metrics on the address defined by prometheus address.
Type | string |
YAML | provisioning.daemonPSK |
Pre-shared key to authenticate external provisioner daemons to Coder server.
Type | int |
YAML | provisioning.daemons |
Default | 3 |
Number of provisioner daemons to create on start. If builds are stuck in queued state for a long time, consider increasing this.
Type | duration |
YAML | networking.http.proxyHealthInterval |
Default | 1m0s |
The interval in which coderd should be checking the status of workspace proxies.
Type | string-array |
YAML | networking.proxyTrustedHeaders |
Headers to trust for forwarding IP addresses. e.g. Cf-Connecting-Ip, True-Client-Ip, X-Forwarded-For.
Type | string-array |
YAML | networking.proxyTrustedOrigins |
Origin addresses to respect "proxy-trusted-headers". e.g.
Type | bool |
YAML | networking.redirectToAccessURL |
Specifies whether to redirect requests that do not match the access URL host.
Type | string |
Enables SCIM and sets the authentication header for the built-in SCIM server. New users are automatically created with OIDC authentication.
Type | string-array |
YAML | client.sshConfigOptions |
These SSH config options will override the default SSH config options. Provide options in "key=value" or "key value" format separated by commas.Using this incorrectly can break SSH to your deployment, use cautiously.
Type | string |
YAML | client.sshHostnamePrefix |
Default | coder. |
The SSH deployment prefix is used in the Host of the ssh config.
Type | string |
YAML | sshKeygenAlgorithm |
Default | ed25519 |
The algorithm to use for generating ssh keys. Accepted values are "ed25519", "ecdsa", or "rsa4096".
Type | bool |
YAML | networking.secureAuthCookie |
Controls if the 'Secure' property is set on browser session cookies.
Type | duration |
YAML | networking.http.sessionDuration |
Default | 24h0m0s |
The token expiry duration for browser sessions. Sessions may last longer if they are actively making requests, but this functionality can be disabled via --disable-session-expiry-refresh.
Type | string |
YAML | introspection.logging.stackdriverPath |
Output Stackdriver compatible logs to a given file.
Type | int |
YAML | networking.tls.strictTransportSecurity |
Default | 0 |
Controls if the 'Strict-Transport-Security' header is set on all static file responses. This header should only be set if the server is accessed via HTTPS. This value is the MaxAge in seconds of the header.
Type | string-array |
YAML | networking.tls.strictTransportSecurityOptions |
Two optional fields can be set in the Strict-Transport-Security header; 'includeSubDomains' and 'preload'. The 'strict-transport-security' flag must be set to a non-zero value for these options to be used.
Type | host:port |
Environment | $CODER_TLS_ADDRESS |
YAML | networking.tls.address |
Default | |
HTTPS bind address of the server.
Type | bool |
YAML | networking.tls.tlsAllowInsecureCiphers |
Default | false |
By default, only ciphers marked as 'secure' are allowed to be used. See
Type | string-array |
Environment | $CODER_TLS_CERT_FILE |
YAML | networking.tls.certFiles |
Path to each certificate for TLS. It requires a PEM-encoded file. To configure the listener to use a CA certificate, concatenate the primary certificate and the CA certificate together. The primary certificate should appear first in the combined file.
Type | string-array |
Environment | $CODER_TLS_CIPHERS |
YAML | networking.tls.tlsCiphers |
Specify specific TLS ciphers that allowed to be used. See
Type | string |
Environment | $CODER_TLS_CLIENT_AUTH |
YAML | networking.tls.clientAuth |
Default | none |
Policy the server will follow for TLS Client Authentication. Accepted values are "none", "request", "require-any", "verify-if-given", or "require-and-verify".
Type | string |
YAML | networking.tls.clientCAFile |
PEM-encoded Certificate Authority file used for checking the authenticity of client.
Type | string |
YAML | networking.tls.clientCertFile |
Path to certificate for client TLS authentication. It requires a PEM-encoded file.
Type | string |
YAML | networking.tls.clientKeyFile |
Path to key for client TLS authentication. It requires a PEM-encoded file.
Type | bool |
Environment | $CODER_TLS_ENABLE |
YAML | networking.tls.enable |
Whether TLS will be enabled.
Type | string-array |
Environment | $CODER_TLS_KEY_FILE |
YAML | networking.tls.keyFiles |
Paths to the private keys for each of the certificates. It requires a PEM-encoded file.
Type | string |
Environment | $CODER_TLS_MIN_VERSION |
YAML | networking.tls.minVersion |
Default | tls12 |
Minimum supported version of TLS. Accepted values are "tls10", "tls11", "tls12" or "tls13".
Type | bool |
YAML | telemetry.enable |
Default | true |
Whether telemetry is enabled or not. Coder collects anonymized usage data to help improve our product.
Type | bool |
Environment | $CODER_TRACE_ENABLE |
YAML | introspection.tracing.enable |
Whether application tracing data is collected. It exports to a backend configured by environment variables. See:
Type | string |
Enables trace exporting to using the provided API Key.
Type | bool |
Environment | $CODER_UPDATE_CHECK |
YAML | updateCheck |
Default | false |
Periodically check for new releases of Coder and inform the owner. The check is performed once per day.
Type | string |
YAML | client.webTerminalRenderer |
Default | canvas |
The renderer to use when opening a web terminal. Valid values are 'canvas', 'webgl', or 'dom'.
Type | url |
YAML | networking.wildcardAccessURL |
Specifies the wildcard hostname to use for workspace applications in the form "*".
Type | bool |
Write out the current server config as YAML to stdout.
Type | host:port |
Environment | $CODER_PPROF_ADDRESS |
YAML | introspection.pprof.address |
Default | |
The bind address to serve pprof.
Type | bool |
Environment | $CODER_PPROF_ENABLE |
YAML | introspection.pprof.enable |
Serve pprof metrics on the address defined by pprof address.