Start a shell into a workspace
coder ssh [flags] <workspace>
Type | bool |
Default | false |
Disable starting the workspace automatically when connecting via SSH.
-A, --forward-agent
Type | bool |
Specifies whether to forward the SSH agent specified in $SSH_AUTH_SOCK.
-G, --forward-gpg
Type | bool |
Environment | $CODER_SSH_FORWARD_GPG |
Specifies whether to forward the GPG agent. Unsupported on Windows workspaces, but supports all clients. Requires gnupg (gpg, gpgconf) on both the client and workspace. The GPG agent must already be running locally and will not be started for you. If a GPG agent is already running in the workspace, it will be attempted to be killed.
Type | string |
Specifies which identity agent to use (overrides $SSH_AUTH_SOCK), forward agent must also be enabled.
-l, --log-dir
Type | string |
Environment | $CODER_SSH_LOG_DIR |
Specify the directory containing SSH diagnostic log files.
Type | bool |
Environment | $CODER_SSH_NO_WAIT |
Enter workspace immediately after the agent has connected. This is the default if the template has configured the agent startup script behavior as non-blocking.
-R, --remote-forward
Type | string |
Enable remote port forwarding (remote_port:local_address:local_port).
Type | bool |
Environment | $CODER_SSH_STDIO |
Specifies whether to emit SSH output over stdin/stdout.
| | |
| ----------- | ---------------------------- | --- | ------------ |
| Type | enum[yes | no | auto]
| Environment | $CODER_SSH_WAIT
| Default | auto
Specifies whether or not to wait for the startup script to finish executing. Auto means that the agent startup script behavior configured in the workspace template is used.
Type | duration |
Default | 1m |
Specifies how often to poll for workspace automated shutdown.