Breaking changes ❗
- cli: Previous Coder CLI versions are incompatible, v1.14.x is required
- web: Personal metrics have been removed
- infra: Environment assets previously located in
have been moved to/opt/coder
- Notice: Environments require a rebuild for this change to occur
Features ✨
- infra: Container-based Virtual Machines (CVMs) alpha
- web: New account dormancy page in the admin panel
- infra: Coder environment variables see guide
- web: Admin panel pages have been redesigned
- web: SSH information has been added to the environments page
- web: Default Images have been promoted out of beta and are now active
- web: Metrics have undergone a revision. The chart has been simplified to daily active users.
- web: Environment rebuild icons have been redesigned
- infra: Add username label to env pod/deployment
- web/projector: Progressive web app (PWA) icons have been redesigned
- Notice: The Coder PWA may need to be reinstalled. An invalid cache state may occur that is fixed with a hard refresh.
- infra: Git configuration build step now occurs before configure and personalize
Bug fixes 🐛
- projector: Improved performance using native fonts
- projector: Fixed modals incorrectly resizing to full screen
- web: Dev URL creation is no longer enabled during environment builds
- web: Fixed image tag not populating correctly when creating an environment from an embeddable button
Security updates 🔐
- Enhanced security surrounding the use of API keys within environments
- Fixes upstream SSH server DoS vulnerability
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