Coder hooks into public and private Docker Registries to pull images and manage image metadata.

You must be a site manager to add a registry or remove registries that aren't in use.

Adding a registry

You can add registries during the process of adding images.

To import an image, go to Images > Import Image in the upper-right. In the dialog that opens, you'll be prompted to pick a registry by default. However, to add a registry, click Add a new registry, which is the option located immediately below the registry selector.

You'll be asked to provide:

  • A registry name
  • The registry
  • A username and password combination (if needed for access to the registry)

Then, continue with the process of adding your image. When done, click Import.

Deleting a registry

You cannot delete a registry if there are workspaces using images from that registry.

To delete a registry, go to the Images > Registries page. Find the registry that you'd like to remove, click its horizontal ellipses icon, and select Delete.

Unsupported registries

Coder does not support the following registries at this time:

  • Amazon ECR
  • GitHub Packages
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