Audit Logs

Audit Logs


Audit Logs allows Auditors to monitor user operations in their deployment.

Tracked Events

We track create, update and delete events for the following resources:

  • GitSSHKey
  • Template
  • TemplateVersion
  • Workspace
  • WorkspaceBuild
  • User
  • Group

Filtering logs

In the Coder UI you can filter your audit logs using the pre-defined filter or by using the Coder's filter query like the examples below:

  • resource_type:workspace action:delete to find deleted workspaces
  • resource_type:template action:create to find created templates

The supported filters are:

  • resource_type - The type of the resource. It can be a workspace, template, user, etc. You can find here all the resource types that are supported.
  • resource_id - The ID of the resource.
  • resource_target - The name of the resource. Can be used instead of resource_id.
  • action- The action applied to a resource. You can find here all the actions that are supported.
  • username - The username of the user who triggered the action.
  • email - The email of the user who triggered the action.
  • date_from - The inclusive start date with format YYYY-MM-DD.
  • date_to - the inclusive end date with format YYYY-MM-DD.

Enabling this feature

This feature is only available with an enterprise license. Learn more

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