Template ImagePullSecrets

Template ImagePullSecrets

January 12, 2024

Coder workspaces are commonly run as Kubernetes pods. When run inside of an enterprise, the pod image is typically pulled from a private image registry. This guide walks through creating an ImagePullSecret to use for authenticating to your registry, and defining it in your workspace template.

1. Create Docker Config JSON File

Create a Docker configuration JSON file containing your registry credentials. Replace <your-registry>, <your-username>, and <your-password> with your actual Docker registry URL, username, and password.

	"auths": {
		"<your-registry>": {
			"username": "<your-username>",
			"password": "<your-password>"

2. Create Kubernetes Secret

Run the below kubectl command in the K8s cluster where you intend to run your Coder workspaces:

kubectl create secret generic regcred \
  --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<path-to-docker-config.json> \
  --type=kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson \

Inspect the secret to confirm its contents:

kubectl get secret -n <workspaces-namespace> regcred --output="jsonpath={.data.\.dockerconfigjson}" | base64 --decode

The output should look similar to this:

	"auths": {
		"your.private.registry.com": {
			"username": "ericpaulsen",
			"password": "xxxx",
			"auth": "c3R...zE2"

3. Define ImagePullSecret in Terraform template

With the ImagePullSecret now created, we can add the secret into the workspace template. In the example below, we define the secret via the image_pull_secrets argument. Note that this argument is nested at the same level as the container argument:

resource "kubernetes_pod" "dev" {
  metadata {
    # this must be the same namespace where workspaces will be deployed
    namespace = "workspaces-namespace"

  spec {
    image_pull_secrets {
      name = "regcred"
    container {
      name  = "dev"
      image = "your-image:latest"

4. Push New Template Version

Update your template by running the following commands:

coder login <access-url>
coder templates push <template-name>
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