

The following desktop IDEs have been tested with Coder, though any IDE with SSH support should work:

  • VS Code (with Remote - SSH extension)
  • JetBrains (with Gateway installed)
    • IntelliJ IDEA
    • CLion
    • GoLand
    • PyCharm
    • Rider
    • RubyMine
    • WebStorm
  • Web IDEs (code-server, JupyterLab, Jetbrains Projector)

SSH configuration

Before proceeding, run coder login <accessURL> if you haven't already to authenticate the CLI with the web UI and your workspaces.

To access Coder via SSH, run the following in the terminal:

coder config-ssh

Run coder config-ssh --dry-run if you'd like to see the changes that will be made before proceeding.

Confirm that you want to continue by typing yes and pressing enter. If successful, you'll see the following message:

You should now be able to ssh into your workspace.
For example, try running:

$ ssh coder.<workspaceName>

Your workspace is now accessible via ssh coder.<workspace_name> (e.g., ssh coder.myEnv if your workspace is named myEnv).

VS Code Remote

Once you've configured SSH, you can work on projects from your local copy of VS Code, connected to your Coder workspace for compute, etc.

  1. Open VS Code locally.

  2. Install the Remote - SSH extension.

  3. In VS Code's left-hand nav bar, click Remote Explorer and right-click on a workspace to connect.

Web IDEs (Jupyter, code-server, Jetbrains Projector)

Web IDEs (code-server, JetBrains Projector, VNC, etc.) are defined in the template. See configuring IDEs.

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