DX PlatformX

DX is a developer intelligence platform used by engineering leaders and platform engineers. Coder notifications can be transformed to PlatformX events, allowing platform engineers to measure activity and send pulse surveys to subsets of Coder users to understand their experience.

PlatformX Events in Coder


You'll need:

  • Coder v2.19+
  • A PlatformX subscription from DX
  • A platform to host the integration, such as:
    • AWS Lambda
    • Google Cloud Run
    • Heroku
    • Kubernetes
    • Or any other platform that can run Python web applications


Coder sends notifications via webhooks to coder-platformx-events-middleware, which processes and reformats the payload into a structure compatible with PlatformX by DX.

For more information about coder-platformx-events-middleware and how to integrate it with your Coder deployment and PlatformX events, refer to the coder-platformx-notifications repository.

Supported Notification Types

coder-platformx-events-middleware supports the following Coder notifications:

  • Workspace Created
  • Workspace Manually Updated
  • User Account Created
  • User Account Suspended
  • User Account Activated

Environment Variables

The application expects the following environment variables when started. For local development, create a .env file in the project root with the following variables. A .env.sample file is included:

GETDX_API_KEYAPI key for PlatformXyour-api-key
EVENTS_TRACKEDComma-separated list of tracked events"Workspace Created,User Account Suspended"


Logs are printed to the console and can be adjusted using the LOG_LEVEL variable. The available levels are:

DEBUGMost verbose, useful for debugging
INFOStandard logging for normal operation
WARNINGLogs only warnings and errors

API Endpoints

  • GET / - Health check endpoint
  • POST / - Webhook receiver
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