

Notifications are sent by Coder in response to specific internal events, such as a workspace being deleted or a user being created.

Enable experiment

In order to activate the notifications feature on Coder v2.15.X, you'll need to enable the notifications experiment. Notifications are enabled by default starting in v2.16.0.

# Using the CLI flag
$ coder server --experiments=notifications

# Alternatively, using the `CODER_EXPERIMENTS` environment variable
$ CODER_EXPERIMENTS=notifications coder server

More information on experiments can be found here.

Event Types

Notifications are sent in response to internal events, to alert the affected user(s) of this event. Currently we support the following list of events:

Workspace Events

These notifications are sent to the workspace owner.

  • Workspace Deleted
  • Workspace Manual Build Failure
  • Workspace Automatic Build Failure
  • Workspace Automatically Updated
  • Workspace Dormant
  • Workspace Marked For Deletion

User Events

These notifications are sent to users with owner and user admin roles.

  • User Account Created
  • User Account Deleted
  • User Account Suspended
  • User Account Activated
  • (coming soon) User Password Reset
  • (coming soon) User Email Verification

These notifications are sent to the user themselves.

  • User Account Suspended
  • User Account Activated

Template Events

These notifications are sent to users with template admin roles.

  • Template Deleted


You can modify the notification delivery behavior using the following server flags.

✔️--notifications-dispatch-timeoutCODER_NOTIFICATIONS_DISPATCH_TIMEOUTdurationHow long to wait while a notification is being sent before giving up.1m
✔️--notifications-methodCODER_NOTIFICATIONS_METHODstringWhich delivery method to use (available options: 'smtp', 'webhook'). See Delivery Methods below.smtp
-️--notifications-max-send-attemptsCODER_NOTIFICATIONS_MAX_SEND_ATTEMPTSintThe upper limit of attempts to send a notification.5

Delivery Methods

Notifications can currently be delivered by either SMTP or webhook. Each message can only be delivered to one method, and this method is configured globally with CODER_NOTIFICATIONS_METHOD (default: smtp).

Enterprise customers can configure which method to use for each of the supported Events; see the Preferences section below for more details.

SMTP (Email)

Use the smtp method to deliver notifications by email to your users. Coder does not ship with an SMTP server, so you will need to configure Coder to use an existing one.

Server Settings:

✔️--notifications-email-fromCODER_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_FROMstringThe sender's address to use.
✔️--notifications-email-smarthostCODER_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_SMARTHOSThost:portThe SMTP relay to send messages through.localhost:587
✔️--notifications-email-helloCODER_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_HELLOstringThe hostname identifying the SMTP server.localhost

Authentication Settings:

---notifications-email-auth-usernameCODER_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_AUTH_USERNAMEstringUsername to use with PLAIN/LOGIN authentication.
---notifications-email-auth-passwordCODER_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_AUTH_PASSWORDstringPassword to use with PLAIN/LOGIN authentication.
---notifications-email-auth-password-fileCODER_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_AUTH_PASSWORD_FILEstringFile from which to load password for use with PLAIN/LOGIN authentication.
---notifications-email-auth-identityCODER_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_AUTH_IDENTITYstringIdentity to use with PLAIN authentication.

TLS Settings:

---notifications-email-force-tlsCODER_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_FORCE_TLSboolForce a TLS connection to the configured SMTP smarthost. If port 465 is used, TLS will be forced. See
---notifications-email-tls-starttlsCODER_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_TLS_STARTTLSboolEnable STARTTLS to upgrade insecure SMTP connections using TLS. Ignored if CODER_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_FORCE_TLS is set.false
---notifications-email-tls-skip-verifyCODER_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_TLS_SKIPVERIFYboolSkip verification of the target server's certificate (insecure).false
---notifications-email-tls-server-nameCODER_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_TLS_SERVERNAMEstringServer name to verify against the target certificate.
---notifications-email-tls-cert-fileCODER_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_TLS_CERTFILEstringCertificate file to use.
---notifications-email-tls-cert-key-fileCODER_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_TLS_CERTKEYFILEstringCertificate key file to use.

NOTE: you MUST use CODER_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_FORCE_TLS if your smarthost supports TLS on a port other than 465.

Send emails using G-Suite

After setting the required fields above:

  1. Create an App Password using the account you wish to send from
  2. Set the following configuration options:
    CODER_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_AUTH_PASSWORD="<app password created above>"

See this help article from Google for more options.

Send emails using

After setting the required fields above:

  1. Setup an account on Microsoft 365 or
  2. Set the following configuration options:

See this help article from Microsoft for more options.


The webhook delivery method sends an HTTP POST request to the defined endpoint. The purpose of webhook notifications is to enable integrations with other systems.


✔️--notifications-webhook-endpointCODER_NOTIFICATIONS_WEBHOOK_ENDPOINTurlThe endpoint to which to send webhooks.

Here is an example payload for Coder's webhook notification:

	"_version": "1.0",
	"msg_id": "88750cad-77d4-4663-8bc0-f46855f5019b",
	"payload": {
		"_version": "1.0",
		"notification_name": "Workspace Deleted",
		"user_id": "4ac34fcb-8155-44d5-8301-e3cd46e88b35",
		"user_email": "[email protected]",
		"user_name": "danny",
		"user_username": "danny",
		"actions": [
				"label": "View workspaces",
				"url": ""
				"label": "View templates",
				"url": ""
		"labels": {
			"initiator": "danny",
			"name": "my-workspace",
			"reason": "initiated by user"
	"title": "Workspace \"my-workspace\" deleted",
	"body": "Hi danny\n\nYour workspace my-workspace was deleted.\nThe specified reason was \"initiated by user (danny)\"."

The top-level object has these keys:

  • _version: describes the version of this schema; follows semantic versioning
  • msg_id: the UUID of the notification (matches the ID in the notification_messages table)
  • payload: contains the specific details of the notification; described below
  • title: the title of the notification message (equivalent to a subject in SMTP delivery)
  • body: the body of the notification message (equivalent to the message body in SMTP delivery)

The payload object has these keys:

  • _version: describes the version of this inner schema; follows semantic versioning
  • notification_name: name of the event which triggered the notification
  • user_id: Coder internal user identifier of the target user (UUID)
  • user_email: email address of the target user
  • user_name: name of the target user
  • user_username: username of the target user
  • actions: a list of CTAs (Call-To-Action); these are mainly relevant for SMTP delivery in which they're shown as buttons
  • labels: dynamic map of zero or more string key-value pairs; these vary from event to event

User Preferences

All users have the option to opt-out of any notifications. Go to Account -> Notifications to turn notifications on or off. The delivery method for each notification is indicated on the right hand side of this table.

User Notification Preferences

Delivery Preferences

Administrators can configure which delivery methods are used for each different event type.


You can find this page under https://$CODER_ACCESS_URL/deployment/notifications?tab=events.

Stop sending notifications

Administrators may wish to stop all notifications across the deployment. We support a killswitch in the CLI for these cases.

To pause sending notifications, execute coder notifications pause.

To resume sending notifications, execute coder notifications resume.


If notifications are not being delivered, use the following methods to troubleshoot:

  1. Ensure notifications are being added to the notification_messages table
  2. Review any error messages in the status_reason column, should an error have occurred
  3. Review the logs (search for the term notifications) for diagnostic information
    If you do not see any relevant logs, set CODER_VERBOSE=true or --verbose to output debug logs


The notification system is built to operate concurrently in a single- or multi-replica Coder deployment, and has a built-in retry mechanism. It uses the configured Postgres database to store notifications in a queue and facilitate concurrency.

All messages are stored in the notification_messages table.

Messages older than 7 days are deleted.

Message States


A notifier here refers to a Coder replica which is responsible for dispatching the notification. All running replicas act as notifiers to process pending messages.

  • a message begins in pending state
  • transitions to leased when a Coder replica acquires new messages from the database
    • new messages are checked for every CODER_NOTIFICATIONS_FETCH_INTERVAL (default: 15s)
  • if a message is delivered successfully, it transitions to sent state
  • if a message encounters a non-retryable error (e.g. misconfiguration), it transitions to permanent_failure
  • if a message encounters a retryable error (e.g. temporary server outage), it transitions to temporary_failure
    • this message will be retried up to CODER_NOTIFICATIONS_MAX_SEND_ATTEMPTS (default: 5)
    • this message will transition back to pending state after CODER_NOTIFICATIONS_RETRY_INTERVAL (default: 5m) and be retried
    • after CODER_NOTIFICATIONS_MAX_SEND_ATTEMPTS is exceeded, it transitions to permanent_failure

See Troubleshooting above for more details.

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