User Guides
Workspace Lifecycle

Workspace Lifecycle

Workspaces are flexible, reproducible, and isolated units of compute. Workspaces are created via Terraform, managed through the Coder control plane, accessed through the Coder agent, then stopped and deleted again by Terraform.

This page covers how workspaces move through this lifecycle. To learn about automating workspace schedules for cost control, read the workspace scheduling docs.

Workspace ephemerality

Workspaces are composed of resources which may be ephemeral or persistent. Persistent resources stay provisioned when the workspace is stopped, where as ephemeral resources are destroyed and recreated on restart. All resources are destroyed when a workspace is deleted.

Template administrators can learn more about resource configuration in the extending templates docs.

Workspace States

Generally, there are 3 states that a workspace may fall into:

  • Running: Started and ready for connections
  • Stopped: Ephemeral resources destroyed, persistent resources idle
  • Deleted: All resources destroyed, workspace records removed from database

If some error occurs during the above, a workspace may fall into one of the following broken states:

  • Failed: Failure during provisioning, no resource consumption
  • Unhealthy: Resources have been provisioned, but the agent can't facilitate connections

Workspace creation

Workspaces are created from templates via the CLI, API, or dashboard.

By default, there is no limit on the number of workspaces a user may create, regardless of the template's resource demands. Enterprise administrators may limit the number of workspaces per template, group, and organization using quotas to prevent over provisioning and control costs.

When a user creates a workspace, they're sending a build request to the control plane. Coder takes this and uses Terraform to provision a workspace defined by your template. Generally, templates define the resources and environment of a workspace.

The resources that run the agent are described as computational resources, while those that don't are called peripheral resources. A workspace must contain some computational resource to run the Coder agent process.

The provisioned workspace's computational resources start the agent process, which opens connections to your workspace via SSH, the terminal, and IDES such as JetBrains or VSCode.

Once started, the Coder agent is responsible for running your workspace startup scripts. These may configure tools, service connections, or personalization with dotfiles.

Once these steps have completed, your workspace will now be in the Running state. You can access it via any of the supported methods, stop it when you're away, or delete it once it's no longer in use.

Stopping workspaces

Workspaces may be stopped manually by users and admins in the dashboard, CLI, or API. Workspaces may be automatically stopped due to template updates or inactivity by scheduling configuration.

Once stopped, a workspace may resume running by starting it manually, or via user connection if automatic start is enabled.

Deleting workspaces

Similarly to stopping, workspaces may be deleted manually or automatically by Coder through workspace dormancy.

A delete workspace build runs terraform destroy, destroying both persistent and ephemeral resources. This action can not be reverted.

When enabled on enterprise deployments, workspaces will become dormant after a specified duration of inactivity. Then, if left dormant, the workspaces will be queued for deletion. Learn about configuring workspace dormancy in the template scheduling docs.

Orphan resources

Typically, when a workspace is deleted, all of the workspace's resources are deleted along with it. Rarely, one may wish to delete a workspace without deleting its resources, e.g. a workspace in a broken state. Users with the Template Admin role have the option to do so both in the UI, and also in the CLI by running the delete command with the --orphan flag. This option should be considered cautiously as orphaning may lead to unaccounted cloud resources.

Broken workspace states

During a workspace start or stop build, one of two errors may lead to a broken state. If the call to terraform apply fails to correctly provision resources, a workspace build has failed. If the computational resources fail to connect the agent, a workspace becomes unhealthy.

A failed workspace is most often caused by misalignment from the definition in your template's Terraform file and the target resources on your infrastructure. Unhealthy workspaces are usually caused by a misconfiguration in the agent or workspace startup scripts.

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