
Coder with Docker has the following advantages:

  • Simple installation (everything is on a single box)
  • Workspace images are easily configured
  • Workspaces share resources for burst operations


  • A single MacOS or Linux box
  • A running Docker daemon


  1. Install and launch Coder

    You may use CODER_ACCESS_URL=http://localhost:7080 since we're using local Docker workspaces exclusively. The rest of the guide will assume that this is your access URL.

    coder server -a $CODER_ACCESS_URL
  2. Run coder login http://localhost:7080 in a new terminal and follow the interactive instructions to create your user.

  3. Pull the example template:

    echo "docker" | coder templates init
    cd docker
    # You should see a `` file in this directory
  4. Open up in your preferred editor to edit the images

    You can skip this step if you're fine with our default, generic OS images.

    Search for the following section in

    variable "docker_image" {
     description = "Which Docker image would you like to use for your workspace?"
     # The codercom/enterprise-* images are only built for amd64
     default = "codercom/enterprise-base:ubuntu"
     validation {
         condition     = contains(["codercom/enterprise-base:ubuntu", "codercom/enterprise-node:ubuntu",
                                 "codercom/enterprise-intellij:ubuntu", "codercom/enterprise-golang:ubuntu"], var.docker_image)
         error_message = "Invalid Docker image!"

    And edit the strings in condition = contains([...]) and default = ... with your preferred images.

  5. Push up the template to Coder with coder templates create

  6. Open the dashboard in your browser (http://localhost:7080) to create your first workspace:


    Then navigate to Templates > docker > Create workspace


    Now wait a few moments for the workspace to build... After the first build the image is cached and subsequent builds will take a few seconds.

  7. All done!


    Open up a web application or SSH in.

Next Steps

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