Workspace Scheduling
You can configure a template to control how workspaces are started and stopped. You can also manage the lifecycle of failed or inactive workspaces.
Template admins may define these default values:
- Default autostop: How long a workspace runs without user activity before Coder automatically stops it.
- Autostop requirement: Enforce mandatory workspace restarts to apply template updates regardless of user activity.
- Activity bump: The duration by which to extend a workspace's deadline when activity is detected (default: 1 hour). The workspace will be considered inactive when no sessions are detected (VSCode, JetBrains, Terminal, or SSH). For details on what counts as activity, see the user guide on activity detection.
- Dormancy: This allows automatic deletion of unused workspaces to reduce spend on idle resources.
Allow users scheduling
For templates where a uniform autostop duration is not appropriate, admins may allow users to define their own autostart and autostop schedules. Admins can restrict the days of the week a workspace should automatically start to help manage infrastructure costs.
Failure cleanup
Failure cleanup is an Enterprise and Premium feature. Learn more.
Failure cleanup defines how long a workspace is permitted to remain in the failed state prior to being automatically stopped. Failure cleanup is only available for licensed customers.
Dormancy threshold
Dormancy threshold is an Enterprise and Premium feature. Learn more.
Dormancy Threshold defines how long Coder allows a workspace to remain inactive before being moved into a dormant state. A workspace's inactivity is determined by the time elapsed since a user last accessed the workspace. A workspace in the dormant state is not eligible for autostart and must be manually activated by the user before being accessible. Coder stops workspaces during their transition to the dormant state if they are detected to be running. Dormancy Threshold is only available for licensed customers.
Dormancy auto-deletion
Dormancy auto-deletion is an Enterprise and Premium feature. Learn more.
Dormancy Auto-Deletion allows a template admin to dictate how long a workspace is permitted to remain dormant before it is automatically deleted. Dormancy Auto-Deletion is only available for licensed customers.
Autostop requirement
Autostop requirement is an Enterprise and Premium feature. Learn more.
Autostop requirement is a template setting that determines how often workspaces using the template must automatically stop. Autostop requirement ignores any active connections, and ensures that workspaces do not run in perpetuity when connections are left open inadvertently.
Workspaces will apply the template autostop requirement on the given day in the user's timezone and specified quiet hours (see below). This ensures that workspaces will not be stopped during work hours.
The available options are "Days", which can be set to "Daily", "Saturday" or "Sunday", and "Weeks", which can be set to any number from 1 to 16.
"Days" governs which days of the week workspaces must stop. If you select "daily", workspaces must be automatically stopped every day at the start of the user's defined quiet hours. When using "Saturday" or "Sunday", workspaces will be automatically stopped on Saturday or Sunday in the user's timezone and quiet hours.
"Weeks" determines how many weeks between required stops. It cannot be changed from the default of 1 if you have selected "Daily" for "Days". When using a value greater than 1, workspaces will be automatically stopped every N weeks on the day specified by "Days" and the user's quiet hours. The autostop week is synchronized for all workspaces on the same template.
Autostop requirement is disabled when the template is using the deprecated max lifetime feature. Templates can choose to use a max lifetime or an autostop requirement during the deprecation period, but only one can be used at a time.
User quiet hours
User quiet hours are an Enterprise and Premium feature. Learn more.
User quiet hours can be configured in the user's schedule settings page. Workspaces on templates with an autostop requirement will only be forcibly stopped due to the policy at the start of the user's quiet hours.
Admins can define the default quiet hours for all users with the
environment variable. The value should be a cron expression such as
CRON_TZ=America/Chicago 30 2 * * *
which would set the default quiet hours to
2:30 AM in the America/Chicago timezone. The cron schedule can only have a
minute and hour component. The default schedule is UTC 00:00. It is recommended
to set the default quiet hours to a time when most users are not expected to be
using Coder.
Admins can force users to use the default quiet hours with the CODER_ALLOW_CUSTOM_QUIET_HOURS environment variable. Users will still be able to see the page, but will be unable to set a custom time or timezone. If users have already set a custom quiet hours schedule, it will be ignored and the default will be used instead.