
The process of installing an IDE onto your image is similar to installing the IDE onto a local machine.

To see examples demonstrating how to install the various IDEs and configure your image to work with Coder's multi editor feature, see the sample images available on GitHub.

Supported IDEs

Coder can find and start the following IDEs if their binaries exist in your PATH:

  • CLion
  • DataGrip
  • GoLand
  • IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
  • IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate
  • Jupyter
  • PhpStorm
  • PyCharm
  • Rider
  • RubyMine
  • Code OSS (VS Code, installed by default)
  • WebStorm

Required packages

The following packages are required in your image if you're using an IDE other than VS Code. They ensure that the IDE can communicate with Coder:

Debian packageRPM packageDescription
opensslopensslSecure Sockets Layer Toolkit
libxtst6libXtstX11 Testing Library
libxrender1libXrenderX Rendering Extension Client Library
libfontconfig1fontconfigGeneric Font Configuration Library
libxi6libXiX11 Input Extension Library
libgtk-3-0gtk3GTK+ Graphical User Interface Library
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