Scaling best practices

Scaling best practices

This best practice guide helps you prepare a Coder deployment that you can scale up to a high-scale deployment as use grows, and keep it operating smoothly with a high number of active users and workspaces.


Observability is one of the most important aspects to a scalable Coder deployment. When you have visibility into performance and usage metrics, you can make informed decisions about what changes you should make.

Monitor your Coder deployment with log output and metrics to identify potential bottlenecks before they negatively affect the end-user experience and measure the effects of modifications you make to your deployment.

  • Log output

    • Capture log output from from Coder Server instances and external provisioner daemons

    and store them in a searchable log store like Loki, CloudWatch logs, or other tools.

    • Retain logs for a minimum of thirty days, ideally ninety days.

    This allows you investigate when anomalous behaviors began.

  • Metrics

    • Capture infrastructure metrics like CPU, memory, open files, and network I/O for all

    Coder Server, external provisioner daemon, workspace proxy, and PostgreSQL instances.

    • Capture Coder Server and External Provisioner daemons metrics

    via Prometheus.

Retain metric time series for at least six months. This allows you to see performance trends relative to user growth.

For a more comprehensive overview, integrate metrics with an observability dashboard like Grafana.

Observability key metrics

Configure alerting based on these metrics to ensure you surface problems before they affect the end-user experience.

  • CPU and Memory Utilization

    • Monitor the utilization as a fraction of the available resources on the instance.

      Utilization will vary with use throughout the course of a day, week, and longer timelines. Monitor trends and pay special attention to the daily and weekly peak utilization. Use long-term trends to plan infrastructure upgrades.

  • Tail latency of Coder Server API requests

    • High tail latency can indicate Coder Server or the PostgreSQL database is underprovisioned

    for the load.

    • Use the coderd_api_request_latencies_seconds metric.
  • Tail latency of database queries

    • High tail latency can indicate the PostgreSQL database is low in resources.
    • Use the coderd_db_query_latencies_seconds metric.

How to capture Coder server metrics with Prometheus

Edit your Helm values.yaml to capture metrics from Coder Server and external provisioner daemons with Prometheus:

  1. Enable Prometheus metrics:

  2. Enable database metrics:

  3. For a high scale deployment, configure agent stats to avoid large cardinality or disable them:

    • Configure agent stats:

    • Disable agent stats:


Coder Server


If increased availability of the Coder API is a concern, deploy at least three instances of Coder Server. Spread the instances across nodes with anti-affinity rules in Kubernetes or in different availability zones of the same geographic region.

Do not deploy in different geographic regions.

Coder Servers need to be able to communicate with one another directly with low latency, under 10ms. Note that this is for the availability of the Coder API. Workspaces are not fault tolerant unless they are explicitly built that way at the template level.

Deploy Coder Server instances as geographically close to PostgreSQL as possible. Low-latency communication (under 10ms) with Postgres is essential for Coder Server's performance.


Coder Server can be scaled both vertically for bigger instances and horizontally for more instances.

Aim to keep the number of Coder Server instances relatively small, preferably under ten instances, and opt for vertical scale over horizontal scale after meeting availability requirements.

Coder's validated architectures give specific sizing recommendations for various user scales. These are a useful starting point, but very few deployments will remain stable at a predetermined user level over the long term. We recommend monitoring and adjusting resources as needed.

We don't recommend that you autoscale the Coder Servers. Instead, scale the deployment for peak weekly usage.

Although Coder Server persists no internal state, it operates as a proxy for end users to their workspaces in two capacities:

  1. As an HTTP proxy when they access workspace applications in their browser via

the Coder Dashboard.

  1. As a DERP proxy when establishing tunneled connections with CLI tools like

coder ssh, coder port-forward, and others, and with desktop IDEs.

Stopping a Coder Server instance will (momentarily) disconnect any users currently connecting through that instance. Adding a new instance is not disruptive, but you should remove instances and perform upgrades during a maintenance window to minimize disruption.

Provisioner daemons


We recommend that you run one or more provisioner daemon deployments external to Coder Server and disable provisioner daemons within your Coder Server. This allows you to scale them independently of the Coder Server:


We recommend deploying provisioner daemons within the same cluster as the workspaces they will provision or are hosted in.

  • This gives them a low-latency connection to the APIs they will use to provision workspaces and can speed builds.

  • It allows provisioner daemons to use in-cluster mechanisms (for example Kubernetes service account tokens, AWS IAM Roles, and others) to authenticate with the infrastructure APIs.

  • If you deploy workspaces in multiple clusters, run multiple provisioner daemon deployments and use template tags to select the correct set of provisioner daemons.

  • Provisioner daemons need to be able to connect to Coder Server, but this does not need to be a low-latency connection.

Provisioner daemons make no direct connections to the PostgreSQL database, so there's no need for locality to the Postgres database.


Each provisioner daemon instance can handle a single workspace build job at a time. Therefore, the maximum number of simultaneous builds your Coder deployment can handle is equal to the number of provisioner daemon instances within a tagged deployment.

If users experience unacceptably long queues for workspace builds to start, consider increasing the number of provisioner daemon instances in the affected cluster.

You might need to automatically scale the number of provisioner daemon instances throughout the day to meet demand.

If you stop instances with SIGHUP, they will complete their current build job and exit. SIGINT will cancel the current job, which will result in a failed build. Ensure your autoscaler waits long enough for your build jobs to complete before it kills the provisioner daemon process.

If you deploy in Kubernetes, we recommend a single provisioner daemon per pod. On a virtual machine (VM), you can deploy multiple provisioner daemons, ensuring each has a unique CODER_CACHE_DIRECTORY value.

Coder's validated architectures give specific sizing recommendations for various user scales. Since the complexity of builds varies significantly depending on the workspace template, consider this a starting point. Monitor queue times and build times and adjust the number and size of your provisioner daemon instances.


PostgreSQL is the primary persistence layer for all of Coder's deployment data. We also use LISTEN and NOTIFY to coordinate between different instances of Coder Server.


Coder Server instances must have low-latency connections (under 10ms) to PostgreSQL. If you use multiple PostgreSQL replicas in a clustered config, these must also be low-latency with respect to one another.


Prefer scaling PostgreSQL vertically rather than horizontally for best performance. Coder's validated architectures give specific sizing recommendations for various user scales.

Workspace proxies

Workspace proxies proxy HTTP traffic from end users to workspaces for Coder apps defined in the templates, and HTTP ports opened by the workspace. By default they also include a DERP Proxy.


We recommend each geographic cluster of workspaces have an associated deployment of workspace proxies. This ensures that users always have a near-optimal proxy path.


Workspace proxy load is determined by the amount of traffic they proxy.

Monitor CPU, memory, and network I/O utilization to decide when to resize the number of proxy instances.

Scale for peak demand and scale down or upgrade during a maintenance window.

We do not recommend autoscaling the workspace proxies because many applications use long-lived connections such as websockets, which would be disrupted by stopping the proxy.


Workspaces represent the vast majority of resources in most Coder deployments. Because they are defined by templates, there is no one-size-fits-all advice for scaling workspaces.

Hard and soft cluster limits

All Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clusters have limits to what can be simultaneously provisioned. These could be hard limits, based on the physical size of the cluster, especially in the case of a private cloud, or soft limits, based on configured limits in your public cloud account.

It is important to be aware of these limits and monitor Coder workspace resource utilization against the limits, so that a new influx of users don't encounter failed builds. Monitoring these is outside the scope of Coder, but we recommend that you set up dashboards and alerts for each kind of limited resource.

As you approach soft limits, you can request limit increases to keep growing.

As you approach hard limits, consider deploying to additional cluster(s).

Workspaces per node

Many development workloads are "spiky" in their CPU and memory requirements, for example, they peak during build/test and then lower while editing code. This leads to an opportunity to efficiently use compute resources by packing multiple workspaces onto a single node. This can lead to better experience (more CPU and memory available during brief bursts) and lower cost.

There are a number of things you should consider before you decide how many workspaces you should allow per node:

  • "Noisy neighbor" issues: Users share the node's CPU and memory resources and might

be susceptible to a user or process consuming shared resources.

  • If the shared nodes are a provisioned resource, for example, Kubernetes nodes running on VMs in a public cloud, then it can sometimes be a challenge to effectively autoscale down.

    • For example, if half the workspaces are stopped overnight, and there are ten workspaces per node, it's unlikely that all ten workspaces on the node are among the stopped ones.

    • You can mitigate this by lowering the number of workspaces per node, or using autostop policies to stop more workspaces during off-peak hours.

  • If you do overprovision workspaces onto nodes, keep them in a separate node pool and schedule Coder control plane (Coder Server, PostgreSQL, workspace proxies) components on a different node pool to avoid resource spikes affecting them.

Coder customers have had success with both:

  • One workspace per AWS VM
  • Lots of workspaces on Kubernetes nodes for efficiency

Cost control

  • Use quotas to discourage users from creating many workspaces they don't need simultaneously.

  • Label workspace cloud resources by user, team, organization, or your own labelling conventions to track usage at different granularities.

  • Use autostop requirements to bring off-peak utilization down.


Set up your network so that most users can get direct, peer-to-peer connections to their workspaces. This drastically reduces the load on Coder Server and workspace proxy instances.

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